Saturday, June 30, 2018

AOL Mail Error Code 521- All You Need To Know

Have you confronted with AOL mail error code 521 while sending your mail? This error is normally illustrated by the following code - 521 5.2.1 : (CON: B1)". This is a very complex error which directly disables your AOL mail capability to send the mail to the recipient. To cater this issue more effectively and precisely, make sure to connect with AOL Technical Support 1-888-501-1186  team.

Error Code 521

This error simply indicates that the email you have sent earlier to the particular recipient has been rejected by the AOL's mail server. And now your inbox is filled with numerous spam mail sent on the behalf of a compromised user account. Moreover, AOL IP blacklist has added your mail server's IP address to its list. To cater this issue you need to locate the spammer origin and shut it down up front.

You can also utilize the third party email relay service like MailChannels Cloud which can assist you to identifies spammers within your network and cranked up your email reputation. It also downgrades the chances of email delivery problems popped up due to IP address blacklisting. Moreover, apart from that, you can choose to block the spam in the AOL mail to avoid the future occurrence in the following way

        Navigate to the top right portion of the AOL mail interface and click Options.
        Tap Settings.
        Explore to the left panel and tap Spam Settings.
        Choose the level of your spam filter from the drop-down menu.
        To block a particular sender you can also opt  'Sender Filter' section and select the option in the drop-down menu.
        Once you selected the sender, put their username and filter field and then tap + tab to the right.
        Now navigate to the bottom of the page and Tap Click to keep the changes. For more detail, query and the troubleshoots on the AOL mail error code 521 feel free to contact AOL Customer Helpline Support Number. 1-888-501-1186

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